Author Archives for buzz.elsley

Abbey Archery
January 12, 2019 2:49 pm Leave your thoughts
Apex Hunting
January 12, 2019 2:20 pm Leave your thoughts
2018 3DAAA Australian Championships
November 11, 2018 1:09 pm Leave your thoughts3D AAA Nationals 2018 The 2018 3DAAA Australian Championships were held at Nambucca Heads on the weekend of 10-11 November and were a massive success. 244 3D Archery Specialist plus their families spent a fantastic weekend in the area. The archers took to a very challenging 50 Target course in the NSW State Forest at Nambucca Heads. Two fantastic days...

Moonan Flat 2018
September 30, 2018 3:42 pm Leave your thoughts3DAAA NSW State Series The 20th Anniversary of the Moonan Flat 3D Classic was held over the long weekend of the 29th and 30th of September 2018, Proudly sponsored by the Victoria Hotel Moonan Flat and Klosters Hamilton. 108 shooters and their families turned up for the event bringing with them a slight drizzle of rain which the farmers were...

Gladstone 2018
September 23, 2018 4:25 pm Leave your thoughts3DAAA Queensland State Series The Gladstone Field Archer’s event was held on 22nd to 23rd of September 2018. There were 62 registered competitors, plus associated visitors / family. We had people attend from all areas of QLD and NSW, so we thank everyone who made the journey to our club, as we know it is a fair distance to travel....

2018 Young Achiever Award
September 9, 2018 12:32 pm Leave your thoughts2018 Young Achievers Award The 3DAAA committee is asking for nominations for the annual Young Achievers award. To nominate a young member, please submit in writing explaining why you think this person is worthy of winning this annual award. Email your nomination to committee@3daaa.com.au by 28th October 2018. This annual award was introduced to recognise some of our outstanding young...

Mornington Peninsula 2018
September 8, 2018 8:51 pm Leave your thoughts3DAAA Victorian State Series This was the last of the Victorian State Series for 2018 – and what a great week end at Mornington Peninsula Bowmen https://www.facebook.com/MorningtonPeninsulaBowmenArchery/ – the ranges were set with challenge and purpose to test any archer’s skill at unmarked 3D. The weather was exceptional and allowed us to work with Brett Pirlo on learning how to...

North Albert 2018
August 25, 2018 8:22 pm Leave your thoughts3DAAA Queensland State Series Another NAFA sanctioned shoot ended successfully. All old ranges were stripped and 5 new ranges built. There were plenty of campers and nearly 100 archers even with the forecast of thunder storms and drought breaking rain (which didn`t happen). All meals were catered for with a choice of 3 different roasts and vegies for Saturday dinner....

2018 Hoyt Bow Sponsorship
August 19, 2018 4:56 pm Leave your thoughtsThe 2017 3DAAA nationals at Nambucca Heads NSW will be one I’ll always remember. It was as always a lot of fun but with some challenges. I was shooting in a peer group with my brothers girlfriend Annalise and we got to the second target of the weekend and her strings broke. She was understandably upset not only because we’d...