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2020 Indoor Results are out

February 18, 2020 8:44 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

3DAAA have released the 2020 Indoor Results and New Records shot at this years National Event.  Congratulations to all those who competed and 3DAAA appreciate your patience and understanding while we worked thru getting them collated.   For a full set of results click HERE

2020 Calendar and Welcome to new committee members.

November 30, 2019 5:37 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

2020 Calendar is now out. The committee thank you for your patience and understanding while we deliberated on the events for 2020. The 2020 calendar can be found HERE We are excited to announce several NEW innovation’s for the 2020 Season. State of Origin has grown with a 2 Shoot serries being introduced with the Final shoot at Casino. QLD...

Nationals Scores are up

November 12, 2019 11:41 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

2019 National Championship results are now available. HERE 2019 Shooter of the year placings are also available. HERE Congratulations to Jason Archer for securing 3rd place in the highly contested Hunter Class.  We as a whole committee apologise for the mistake and congratulate to you on this achievement. PLEASE NOTE:  National and SOTY Records have not been listed as this...

Known distance is coming to the 2019 Nationals!

October 29, 2019 7:08 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

The committee of 3DAAA have been watching and listening to all of the feedback about known distance division within the association.  We are please to announce that we are going to trial this at the 2019 Nationals. 4 individuals will shoot the weekend as a Known Division. These members will be allowed to use a rangefinder for the purposes of...

2019 National Championships

October 11, 2019 10:43 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Pre nominations for the 2019 3DAAA National Championships are now CLOSED. Additional information can be found HERE Registrations will be available at the Friday Night Meet & Greet as well as on Saturday morning at registration desk. Pre Nomination list can be found HERE If you are attending the Sunday night presentation dinner you should have pre nominated. Catering for...

3DAAA Exclusive Expression of Interest for Targets

August 28, 2019 2:05 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

3DAAA Inc – Expression of Interest (EOI) for Targets – Two Opportunities OFFER 1. The Association has second hand targets that are being offered for sale. These targets are being offered up as groups of seven targets including: five shootable targets suitable for club events, with an additional two targets free of charge that require new centres or repair. These...

Expression of Intrest for Committee positions

July 27, 2019 9:25 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

3DAAA are looking for motivated people to assist with the management of 3DAAA. Positions currently vacant are: NSW Liaison QLD Liaison VIC Liaison QLD Range Setter Coordinator VIC Range Setter Coordinator Social Media Officer   All these positions are Sub Committee positions in accordance with (IAW) the 3DAAA Constitution NSW Liaison will take over from Jason Wall who has moved...

2019 AGM Committee Nominations

May 21, 2019 9:53 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

The Annual General Meeting for 3DAAA will be held on Saturday June 8, 2019. The meeting will be held at the Casino RSM Club Canterbury Street Casino and commences at 5.00pm. Positions to be declared vacant at the meeting are: President (1 year) Vice President (2 year) Secretary (2 year) Membership Secretary (2 year) National Liaison officer (2 year) Merchandising...