Garry Dawson (Dawso)

Awarded Living Legend Status in 2022


FIRST BOW – Ben Pearson Rogue Recurve

CURRENT BOW  – Hoyt Alphatec and Mathews Switchback

ARROWS Lightspeed. Raptor.

OTHER EQUIPMENT  –  BEE Stinger Stabilizer.Toxonic 4x Scope. Insatiable 2 Release. Mathews Arrow Rest.

HOW DID YOU BEGIN ARCHERY – Got sick of shooting with a rifle and  decided to try a bow.

ACHIEVEMENTS : 3rd place World Masters.

  • RangeMaster for 10years Quirindi Bowhunters.
  • Formed Lake Glenbawn Field Archers in 1992.
  • Club Coordinator  for World Bowhunter Titles 1995 and ABA National Titles 1995.
  • Together with members of Lake Glenbawn club hosted 4 National Titles at Murrurundi. Hosted 2 State Titles and numerous Sanctioned shoots at Lake Glenbawn.
  • State Liaison Officer 5 years for 3DAAA.
  • Have held Committee positions for 42 years.
  • Shoot Director with Glenbawn for 27 years.
  • Life Member 3DAA and Lake Glenbawn.

MEMORIES: Some great times ,both hunting and Field with some fantastic people.

Introducing people to Archery and watching them progress over the years.

Interview with Garry HERE.