Caboolture 2019

3DAAA Queensland State Series

What an epic weekend we had at the Caboolture and District Bowmen Sanctioned shoot on the 6-7 July. The courses were fantastic & challenging, with all the slippy slidey muddy sections of the courses. The course setters did it again & set some courses that needed us to be at the top of our game. Saturday saw some drenching rain fall but not even the weather gods could keep us away… Sunday saw the sun shine to try & dry out some of the courses. The ladies in the canteen kept our bellies full with all that wonderful food. 

The top Ten on Sunday afternoon showed off our best of the best with Brian McFarlane winning the aided top 10 and Richard Vranesic winning the barebow top 10 and the trophies were outstanding. There were some very good scores shot over the weekend with the stand out being Amber Reinbott shooting a perfect 300 on Saturday. Everyone left with a smile on their face after shooting a very challenging and enjoyable 2 days