State of Origin- Casino 2018

3DAAA State of Origin

Saturday started off with a surprisingly beautiful morning with no forecast of torrential rain unlike last year, much too everyone’s relief.
Shooters set off to shoot ranges in high spirits, with a major difference in the use of land across the road, so made things a little bit more interesting.
With the finish of shooting and as per usual at the State of Origin, no top 10 held on Saturday, The AGM was held in town this year things were very quite at the range Saturday night.
Sunday arrived once again under beautiful skies, shooters set out too make up on Saturday scores, or too hold onto good form from Saturday.
The all important state of origin trophy hinges on results of all competitors, so all competitors were taking things as serious as they do. And too make the funniest of top ten shoots of the year.
The bare bowers set the scene for a great spectacle. Mark Rhinebot made the afternoon enjoyable with his absolute one eyed QLD approach which didn’t help. The sighted shooters continued the great spectacle taking over from the bare bowers.
With the help of the Cubs and junior’s the mighty Blues took the win, must have been a good omen for things too come.
After the presentation a small but eager crowd attended the mentoring program, shame the QLDers had too go back too work Monday, Which affected the numbers. Afterwards a small impromptu gathering enjoyed many tall tales around the camp fire. Look forward to seeing you all next year. Go the BLUES