This award is given to the Highest Youth, or Cub Score awarded at 3D AAA National Championships
Please Read the following as an Open Letter to the Youth and Cub members in contention for this award each year. This was read out for the first time in 2022 on behalf of his family.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank the committee for inviting us tonight.
This trophy means a lot to us and Jakes archery family, So to the young person who receives this trophy tonight, we want you to know we are just as proud of you as we were of Jake.
We realise the hard work and commitment to archery you put in and the time your family puts in.
Jake would get up before school too practice and would practice straight after school. He would shoot at all different club practices during the week and competitions on the weekend.
One weekend he went to a competition, and he told us in the morning today he would shoot a perfect 800, after the competition would finish and he walked back to us, Mum said to him, “So how did you go?” He said “Yep Perfect 800, I was in the zone”, Which meant enjoy yourself while shooting, but when you pick up the bow, block everything out around you and stay in the zone, Tenzone..
We were told he was the second person in Australia to do this.
So take this trophy with pride and know we realise the hard work and dedication it took to get here.
Paula James and Family.
- 2024 Tess Codrington
- 2023 Zali Allen
- 2022 Jeremy Douglas
- 2020-2021 Covid 19
- 2019 Amber Reinbott
- 2018